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What is Jersey Drill and How to Make Your Own Jersey Drill Beats

May 21, 2024 - Jersey Club meets Drill! Unravel the dark, pulsating world of Jersey Drill & learn how to craft your own head-knocking beats with Soundtrap.

Rapper rapping to Jersey Drill beats

From Roots to Drill: The Evolution of the Jersey Club

Born at the turn of the millennium on the streets of Newark, New Jersey, the Jersey Club was characterized by its frenetic beat, catchy vocal samples and melodies, and aggressive synthesizers. 

This sub-genre of EDM quickly became the soundtrack to underground parties and nightclubs, attracting a vibrant and passionate community for the music.

As time went on, however, the Jersey Club began to undergo a transformation. The reality of the streets, marked by violence, poverty and drugs, was reflected in the lyrics of some artists, who sought to express their environment and experiences in a more raw and direct way.

Read more here: The story behind Jersey Club music and its current popularity.

The Transformation from Jersey Club to Jersey Drill: A Journey Through Sound

In the mid-2010s, the Drill, a subgenre of hip hop originating in Chicago, began to gain popularity. Its slower, heavier beat, deep bass samples and gun effects contrasted with the energy of Jersey Club. However, this difference did not stop both genres from influencing each other.

Between 2014 and 2015 is considered the turning point in the evolution of Jersey Club into Jersey Drill. Artists such as Rah Digga, Trizz and FMB Jayy began to incorporate elements of Drill into their productions, creating a darker, rawer sound that reflected the reality of the streets of Newark.

The Jersey Drill narrative moved away from the Jersey Club's party themes to reflect the reality of the streets of Newark, with lyrics that addressed issues such as violence, poverty, drugs and the struggle for survival.

More than Music, a Cultural Phenomenon

The Jersey Drill is not limited to music; it is a cultural phenomenon that encompasses fashion, language and social networks. Urban fashion, with its baseball caps, hoodies and sneakers, has become a symbol of identity for fans of the genre. 

The language, with its specific slang and references to street life, reflects the culture and experiences of the community. Social media has been a key platform for the spread of Jersey Drill, allowing artists to connect with their fans and share their music with the world.

Jersey Drill Features

  • Tempo: Jersey Drill's tempo ranges between 140 and 160 BPM, slower than traditional Jersey Club but retaining its energy.

  • Rhythm: Dark and heavy beats, with frequent use of 808s and syncopated drum patterns.

  • Drums: The drums are punchy and heavy, with a basic bass drum pattern and fast charles.

  • Samples: The samples used in Jersey Drill are varied, including vocals, deep bass, gun effects and dark melodies.

  • Synthesizers: Aggressive and distorted synthesizers are a key element of the Jersey Drill sound, creating a dark and tense atmosphere.

  • Production: Chicago Trap and Drill influences, but with a melodic twist characteristic of New Jersey.

  • Vocals: Straightforward, narrative lyrics often describing life on the streets.

How to Make Your Own Jersey Drill Rhythms: Step by Step

Creating Jersey Drill rhythms can be an exciting and creative experience. Here I walk you through the process step-by-step, with specific details on the sounds and techniques you need to capture the essence of the genre.

In the Jersey Club Sound Pack you can find all the samples you need to create your Jersey Drill beat.

Initial Setup

Software: Soundtrap is a complete online music production tool that will give you all the tools you need to get into the world of Jersey Drill.

Tempo: Set the tempo between 140-160 BPM to maintain the characteristic energy of the Jersey Drill. You can use a slower tempo, but the recommended minimum is 130 bpm

Drum Base

  • Kick: Start with a deep, strong kick. The kicks should be punchy, setting the main rhythm. 

  • Hi-Hats: Program fast and varied hi-hats. Use triplet patterns to add rhythmic complexity. Don't limit yourself to just one hi-hat sound, you can use different samples to make the rhythmic complexity of the beat more complex. The hi hats are an essential part of carrying the rhythm of the Jersey Drill.

  • Snare/Clap: In addition to the main clap or snare sound, you can add additional claps or snares on off-beats for more dynamism and rhythmic variety.

Soundtrap’s Beatmaker will help you build out the perfect Jersey Drill drums.


  • Sub Bass: The 808s are fundamental to the Jersey Drill. Use a deep, heavy sub bass sound. Make sure your 808s are tuned to the key of the track.

  • Variation: Introduce slides and glides into 808 lines to add movement and excitement. It is very common to find these types of variations on 808s lines in the Jersey Drill.

Visit Soundtrap’s 808 with Glide to learn how to create an 808 Drill bass.

Melodies and Samples

  • Melodies: Create dark and simple melodies using synthesizers or pianos. Minor scales (Natural, Harmonic or Melodic) work well for this style. 

  • Samples: Use vocal chops and short samples to add texture. Bed squeaks and other characteristic Jersey Club sounds can be useful here.

  • Ambience: Add ambient effects such as reverbs and delays to create an immersive sound space.

Effects and Transitions

  • Risers and Downlifters: Use risers and downlifters to build and release tension in your track.

FX: Add effects such as filters, phasers, and flangers to keep the track interesting and dynamic. You can experiment with any type of effect and it will serve you well to use automations of these effects as a resource.

Man singing in rap music

Tips for Creating Good Jersey Drill Beats

  • Listen to a lot of Jersey Drill music: familiarize yourself with the sound of the genre to get inspired and learn from the best producers. Here is a recommended playlist.

  • Experiment with different samples: Don't be afraid to experiment with different types of samples to find unique and interesting sounds.

  • Take care of the mix: Make sure all the elements of the beat mix well and don't overpower each other. Each element should have its space, and make sure that each element you add is necessary so that you don't saturate your beat.

  • Create your own style: don't limit yourself, although at first taking reference from your favorite artists will be a great tool don't forget to experiment and use elements that someone else wouldn't use, you will start to discover your own sound.

Fun Facts about Jersey Drill

  • The Jersey Drill has been used in movies and TV series such as “High Fidelity” and “Power”.

  • World-renowned artists such as Drake, Rosalia, and Bad Bunny have incorporated elements of the Jersey Drill into their songs.

  • The Jersey Drill has inspired a new generation of artists looking to express their reality through music.

Popularity and Virality of the Jersey Drill Today

In recent years, the Jersey Drill has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity, thanks to its ability to fuse elements of the Jersey Club with the lyrical intensity of the New York Drill. This fusion has resulted in a distinctive sound that resonates both on the streets and on streaming platforms.

Fusion of Genres

Jersey Drill has become a phenomenon thanks to the innovative fusion of elements of Jersey Club and New York Drill. This amalgamation creates a sound that is both familiar and fresh, resonating with an audience looking for authenticity and energy.

Jersey Club's use of fast-paced beats and syncopated rhythms, coupled with Drill's raw lyrics and intense narratives, has resulted in a unique and powerful style.

In addition, Jersey Drill's ability to adapt and merge with other genres has facilitated interesting collaborations. Artists from different parts of the world have worked with Jersey Drill producers to create new sounds that maintain the essence of the genre while introducing new textures and styles. 

These collaborations not only enrich the Jersey Drill sound, but also make it more accessible to international audiences.

Social Media Impact

Social media platforms, especially TikTok, have been crucial to the spread of Jersey Drill. Songs like Bandmanrill's “Slide” have become viral hits thanks to dance challenges and creative videos that capture global attention. This virality not only boosts artists' careers, but also solidifies the genre's presence in pop culture.

Influence on the Music Industry

Jersey Drill's impact extends beyond streaming platforms and social media. Established and emerging artists are embracing this sound, collaborating and experimenting with its distinctive characteristics.

Producers like MCVERT and artists like Bandmanrill and Cookiee Kawaii are at the forefront, creating tracks that define and redefine the genre and achieving millions of plays and followers on platforms like Spotify and YouTube. Their successes reflect Jersey Drill's ability to transcend boundaries and connect with diverse audiences.

The Future of Jersey Drill

Looking to the future, Jersey Drill appears to be on an upward trajectory. With continued innovation from artists and increasing industry attention, the genre is likely to continue to evolve and expand. 

New technologies and digital platforms will continue to play a crucial role in the spread and development of Jersey Drill. In addition, the genre could influence other musical styles, generating new fusions and subgenres that will further enrich the global music scene.

In countries such as the UK and France, influences of this subgenre can already be heard, merging with local styles such as UK Drill and French Rap.


The Jersey Drill is not just a musical genre, it is a cultural expression that captures the essence of urban life in New Jersey. By comparing it to the Jersey Club, we can see how both genres, while distinct, share a common lineage and a passion for rhythm and authenticity. In a world where music is constantly evolving, the Jersey Drill remains an unstoppable force, resonating with its melodic rawness and powerful narrative.

About the author

Odiseo is a music producer and mixing and mastering engineer with experience ranging from music creation as a session and concert musician, beatmaker, live sound engineer, and recording engineer, to audio production for short films, providing a broad perspective on technical concepts and musical skills to take music to another level.

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